Saturday 20 August 2011

New element in periodic table : IIT Student

Atomic symbol : Is

Occurrence : Occurs in nature in scarcity, found only in few deposits in Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur etc.

Synthetic preparation : Mostly prepared from other elements when subjected to extreme stress and 'maggai' for continuously 2 or 3 years.
The most Famous preparation labs are in 'Kota' & 'Delhi'.

Isotopes : Several isotopes exits like 'Maggu', 'frustoo', 'stud', etc.
Properties may vary from isotope to isotope.

Physical properties :
  • Exists in two allotropic forms : with chemical names 'Banda' and 'Bandi'. Where Bandi is rare species. (occupying around only 10%)
  • These 2 opposite forms tend to attract each other due to some natural magnetic properties , but some “stoichiometric defects” may lead to abnormal behavior, with same forms attracting each other* ;
  • 'Boiling points' vary from isotope to isotope with 'frustoo' having the maximum b.p. (blood pressure as well).
  • When kept in classroom, in presence of other element called Pf(prof), it is least energetic ; while it is most energetic when clusters of atoms (called hostels) react with each other.

*defect '377' as recognized by IUPAG ( Indian Union for 'Pinkly' Associated 'Gays' ).

Chemical properties :
  • Chemically this element slowly reacts Pf, to give some useless products (generally), but Maggu isotope can sometimes give useful products.
  • Another element 'Ta', which is supposed to be act as catalyst for reaction between Pf and Is, instead act as poison.
  • 'frustoo' species is highly reactive and exothermic, and often give explosive reactions.
  • 'Maggu' species forms an enormously strong triple bond with Bk (books), which can be broken only if all its neighboring atoms spend all their energy.
  • 'Studs' are identified as having exceptionally good properties than all other forms.

At last, as you all know, “this is the element that every element dreams to be”.

By “Oxygen”